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Thursday, November 19, 2009

redline VS hydrology

Redline 95
by Shizuka

and when people step off this red line
i'll never let them to go
never laugh, bcause this is the dead end
is't my end, bfore it start to show
and when people step off this red line
means no other place need to go
let the future past, in the mean time
face the griefness here all alone

it was u called me and told me,
help me out and shine up my life
it was u called me again and tell i'm without
it was u call me and told me
blur up my eyes and told me the jokes
it was u told me the lies i'd always spoke

and when people step off this red line
i'll never let them to go
never laugh, bcause this is the dead end
is't my end, bfore it start to show
and when people step off this red line
means no other place need to go
let the future past, in the mean time
face the griefness here all alone

it was u called me and told me,
help me out and shine up my life
it was u called me again and tell i'm without
it was u call me and told me
help me out and shine up my life
it was u told me the lies i'd always spoke

it was u called me and told me,
help me out and shine up my life
it was u called me again and tell i'm without
it was u call me and told me
blur up my eyes and told me the jokes
it was u told me the lies i'd always spoke

kalu korg nak tau habis je kuar dr dewan pekse td inilah lagu yg terngiang2 kat kepale aku.. hehehe.. actually i dont have any comment about da question paper.... and how i answer the question?? a little bit f***.. hehehe.. coz some of da simple question im quit confuse.. i blame my self again... haha.. maybe too lot revision make at da last minute.. so who foult?? AKU la... hahaha... overall.. OK la.. insyaallah..

next event.. yeah... soon.. 23-25 nov 2009.. hehehe. langkawi vacation.. huurayyy.. with 6 beautifil girl.. langkawi we'll coming... then for 26 newmoon-twilight saga.. hehehe... yeyeyeye.. my hot vampire edward cullent.. hehehe

final da abis.. make semester ni pun da berakhir... semester depan soon... Project Sarjana Muda??? emm i start thinking mine.. waterver.. pk holiday lu.. pe nak buat agi yerk?? any suggestion...