12.52 am..
1. What have you been doing recently?
> huhuhu.. actually aku kat melake time answer soalan ni.. kat umah kawan aku aiz.. jalan2 melake.. hihi.. tunggu mase nk lelap mate tido..
2. Do you ever turn your cellphone off?
> selalunyer on je.. klu x de bateri ter off la sendiri.. atau pun majuk dgn somebody.. hihi..
3. What happened at 10 am today?
> selalu and mostly mengadap latop klu time x bz.. tp time kt U mengadap buku weyh.. study.. habis boring sms ngn tut... x pun calling calling..
4. When did you last cry?
> semlm.. memikirkan tentng diri sendiri.. sape aku 5 tahun lagi.. rase sayu lak...
5. Believe in fate/destiny?
> yes. setiap bnde da ditentukan.. qada dan qadar
6. What do you want in your life now?
> mahu habiskan degree.. "bathclor of civil engineering"
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
> actually x de payung pun.. so no komen..
8. What’s your favourite thing to do on the bed?
> tido la beb.. x pun surfing internet.. hehehe..
9. What bottoms are you wearing now?
> melayu pyjamas.. hehehe.. sendiri mau pahamlah
10. What’s the nicest thing in your inbox?
> mailbox : emel2 dari kawan2
> nset : mesej2 dari org2 tersayg.. mummy daddy.. kawan2.. n my dot2..
11. Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
> rase mcm x mau.. tp kkdang buat jadi complicated gak.. ble hati da dikuasai perasaan.. tp mostly x lah.. (maybe)
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
> jarang le.. suke barang sendiri.. except terpaksa..
13. What was the last movie you caught?
> transformer.. action siut.. rase nak tgk lagi...
14. What are you proud of?
> im a MUSLIM.. having family..friend..n lovely thing..
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
> my mum kejutkan bgn solat subuh.. hehehe
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
> love story by taylor swift
17. Do you have any nicknames?
> kawan2 panggil su ngn Y.. but family ibah..
18. What does the newest text say?
> syg ad kat ne??
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
> Around 2.30 am.
20. Are you currently happy?
> yup.. siang tadi jalan bandar melake..
21. Who gives you the best advise?
> mom.. dad.. n maklong.. sometime wancik 2..
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
> huhuhu.. x senonoh mkn mcm tu.. tp x suke mknan tin..
23. Who did you talk on the phone last night?
> muhammad hanis.. dia tanya ble mau pulang hah??
24. Is something bugging you now?
>entah.. x de kot..
25. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
> aznil haji nawawai dlm rancangan.. Macam2 aznil.. hehehe
26. Choose your lucky friends and tag them.
> saya mahu tag faezah roomate diploma saye n dielajijan.. mane kamu hah??
Mimpi terus
1 week ago
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